Monday, September 30, 2019

Healing the World Through Literature Essay

Literature has influenced our lives in many ways. One is the way we perceive the events around us. The media have always been telling and informing the public about wars. Instead of informing us about how we can heal the world, all we hear is whose fault it was as soon as a war breaks out. The question here is: How can literature help to heal the world in terms of war and peace? This is important because there are so many wars in the world and instead of fighting we can use them to help create peace and heal the world. We will then be able look back to the past and think how we can progress for the next time. It will also help us create peace by allowing everyone to understand each other. Thomas Hardy, Anthony Hecht and Muriel Rukeyser are three authors that help show how literature can heal the world. The first poem, Thomas Hardy’s â€Å"The Man He Killed† focuses on the senselessness and futility of war, where a man has killed another quite simply because they were fighting on opposing sides at war. It was written in the point of view of one of the soldiers who was enlisted in the infantry. In the opening stanza he states, â€Å"Had he and I but met by some old ancient inn, we should have sat us down to wet right many a nipperkin! † (Hardy 347) By this he means if they met outside of a pub, they would have enjoyed some drinks together, but because of the war, they are forced to shoot at one another. Then it explains how they met as soldiers in opposing sides and one had to die so they both shot each other, but the narrator shot killed the other. In the third stanza, he explains why he had to kill him. Literature could help us with war by displaying this poem. The poem shows how even when people just meet that because of a war, they are forced and required to kill another man instead of having peace. People fight in wars for all different reasons. Some people were born to join the army and be soldiers while others just join to get by in life with financial support from the army. In the lines thirteen through sixteen, towards the end of the poem the author is saying how both the men enlisted into the army because they were out of work, and they needed to sell their traps to get money, and now because of the war one of the men was killed unwontedly by another man who joined because he was out of work as well. In the second poem called â€Å"More Light! More Light! † by Anthony Hecht, it talks about two different stories in the poem. In the first story there is a man who was being charged for a crime he prays to his God he didn’t commit. He states, â€Å"I implore my God to witness that I have made no crime† (Hecht 349). He was being burned to death and one of the soldiers who was burning him because of his crime felt badly for the prisoner’s suffering. So he threw gun powder hoping it would catch fire and to end the prisoner of his misery but the gunpowder did not ignite, and the prisoner was burnt to death. â€Å"And that was but one, and by no means one of the worst; permitted at least his pitiful dignity; and such as were by made prayers in the name of Christ, that shall judge all men, for his soul’s tranquility† (Hecht 349). The second story is about three prisoners who were brought to the woods, two Jewish prisoners and one Polish prisoner. The German guards forced the Polish man to bury the Jewish men alive, but the Polish man refused to do it. So the German guards instead changed the roles, and the Polish man was shot in the stomach, buried up to his head, and was left there for three hours to bleed to death. The second story seemed to be much worse than the first because the Polish man was suffering and was only left there with his thoughts and prayers as he slowly died. â€Å"No prayers or incense rose up in those hours which grew to be years, and every day came mute ghosts from the ovens, sifting through crisp air, and settled upon his eyes in a black soot† (Hecht 350). Literature help with war and peace because this poem shows the past how the Jews and Polish men and women were tortured by the Nazis and war. And this poem can teach us how even during the darkest times of war some people like the Polish did not keep his dignity. And not be forced to kill another man because war, even if the result of not listening is your own death. In the third poem â€Å"Letter to the Front† by Muriel Rukeyser, talks about being a Jew in the twentieth century. This poem explains how Jewish people should be proud of being Jewish, and they shouldn’t hide it. The Jewish people went through a lot with World War II, with all the deaths and sufferings, but the Jewish population shouldn’t try to hide what they are. â€Å"Wishing to be invisible, you choose death of the spirit, the stone insanity† (Rukeyser 351). Hiding meant reducing God to nothing more than what you are. The author is saying that the Jews should be proud of who they are and what they believe in. To believe in God and pray for freedom to all people, and pray to live the impossible which can only happen with faith to their God. Not by hiding who they really are and their beliefs. Literature can help with War and peace by using this poem to show that belief in your God can help you get through any situation and not by hiding from your beliefs and who you truly are. Some people are already used to wars and violence that it doesn’t affect them. In order to find peace, we must first make an effort to understand all types of people. In terms of race, ethnicity, culture, values, religion, beliefs, etc. When people see life through someone else’s eyes they understand what they go through. That would be the only way to avoid violence. Literature can heal the world after devastation from war. Maybe one day we won’t have to worry about the war because there would be peace. Work Cited: Hardy, Thomas. â€Å"The Man He Killed. † Writing about the World. By Susan H. McLeod, John Jarvis, and Shelley Spear. Boston, MA: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005. 346-48. Print. Hecht, Anthony. â€Å"More Light! More Light! † Writing about the World. By Susan H. McLeod, John Jarvis, and Shelley Spear. Boston, MA: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005. 349-50. Print. Rukeyser, Muriel. â€Å"Letter to the Front. † Writing about the World. By Susan H. McLeod, John Jarvis, and Shelley Spear. Boston, MA: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005. 351-52. Print.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Mother and Mom

Though I admit the title of this essay is a bit generic and you have the right to assume â€Å"oh the author must be a mother’s boy† or â€Å"another essay for the mother’s day propaganda†. In this case my reminisce of my mother in the actual body of the text is not filled with only meager sentimentality or a message that we should all love our mothers, it is based on two convictions that are based off of thousands of years of painful human evolution.My first conviction is that the discovery of new knowledge can only come from the re-discovery of pre-existing knowledge- thus anything that you knew or already knew about the importance of our mothers that happens to be in the text will become new to you. My second conviction is that we take for granted what helps us, hurts us, and originates us. And since I brought up the word sentimentality I will bring my third conviction!We can’t always look at life from a purely philosophical basis, though the phi losophical basis is important for thinking, we must not forget those precious moments and experiences we share with our mothers when we were kids (that is if you had a loving mother- which unfortunately my mother didn’t). Thinking too much in a purely rigid philosophical-scientific basis causes us to be antisocial. From my experiences thinking too much in a purely sentimental way only makes us miss the past and scorn the future. Where on earth is that which makes me credible to state these convictions?Where can these convictions, be even discovered? They originate from most privileged people’s domain, only made possible by man’s discovery of fire- it is a place that comes alive when used and to the living acts as a double polarizable monism, its shape being a spiral- the kitchen. Every morning I would wake up completely focused and hell-bent on my tasks. I would ravage my somewhat clean but slightly disorganized room for clothes to wear. I would in haste make my simple but sometimes incomplete breakfast as I think of G-d, homework deadlines, and delude myself with my dreams and aspirations.As I am eating on the squeaky clean glass kitchen table, sitting on a chair covered in plastic, in the periphery of my eye I would see my mom or I would hear the sound of her flippers distinctly pattering on the granite tile in the kitchen. Sometimes I am quite nervous when I am around her, especially if I forget to clean some forgettable part of the kitchen. When the kitchen is dirty, or a section of the kitchen is dirty, in the morning, she can be either calm about it and tell us to clean what we missed, but sometimes she can explode on me and my younger sister.She would yell at us as if we have done some sort of criminal act. By habit my younger sister and I would make sure that the kitchen is clean before we go to bed to prevent our mom from being angry at us. But when my mom comes in the kitchen- as I feel the anticipation of her approval of the kit chen- and she accepts our work in the kitchen- the exact opposite of her authoritarian spirit comes out and it can be the most beautiful thing I can ever experience.This is how I live every day in my home- studying and cleaning the kitchen. The moment after I finish this essay†¦. Just guess it- I will be cleaning the kitchen. If I clean the kitchen every day how is it that I can forget to clean some forgettable part of the kitchen a rank more than occasionally? Is this the nature of man? He forgets and gets punished by Mother Nature herself. I forget to clean some part of the kitchen and I get punished by my mother.To be yelled at by my mother is humbling- it arrests my large as life ego, and renders my philosophy and view of life as meaningless. No philosophy can save me, all it does is make me live in my own world- not to the tasks and betterment of other people. This is the law of the re-education of cleaning the kitchen. Just as religious people re-educate themselves of the laws of the bible every Saturday or Sunday- the law of the re-education of cleaning the kitchen holds true- but instead of once a week it is every day.As Mother Nature has been punishing to mankind (if you read the news you know what I mean) it has been equally loving and forgiving, to enable us to experience life and allow us to even violate it’s laws- intentionally or not- only to realize what we have done, and to come back tearfully to our true pure selves. After being rattled by my mom, yelling at me to clean the kitchen, it is hard to remember that she had a loving side to her- if she had a loving side at all. After cleaning that pesky, forgettable part of the  kitchen- forgiveness, love, and kindness came.Thus is the love that encounters and embraces everything. My mommy can give the kindest, most real, greeting I have ever known. Even though she gives us kind greetings and positive connotations almost regularly it still has a powerful impact on my spirit every time she gives positive reinforcement. When I was a baby my mom would call me â€Å"Love† so she could cope with not getting angry with me as a baby and toddler- even as a teenager she still gives me the nicknameâ€Å"Love.† I was the only child she had that screamed at sonically high frequencies, regressed back to potty training when my younger sister was born, wanted to be tended to every waking minute, and escaped the house via garage(when I was three years old) to be found in a construction site with a red hat on top of my head. As a result my mom lost her health along with her temper, but she always made it her mission to be as kind to me, my older and younger sister, and allow us to pursue any path we want to take in life without interceding.I would compare my mom’s pattern of communication and mine to a spiral. I can tell that my mom tries to give us as much positive feedback as possible and to reduce or eliminate all negative feedback. She would theatrically lecture us on the use of positive feedback. As a pattern in the morning or as she is taking me to school she would be extremely kind by calling me by my nickname and telling me how happy she is to see me in college- in return I would tell her how happy I am to be in college and other endless miscellaneous subject matter that I can’t remember well enough to put on paper.Then when evening approaches some anxiety trickles in like a leaky faucet. My mom, though not going Mrs. Commando on us, would remind us to make sure to clean the kitchen, but she would make sure we listen very well, when we are doing homework or trying to make ourselves busy (I find that interruption terribly annoying). However, for my mom to tell us to clean the kitchen like a disciplinarian is absolutely necessary- because truthfully we wouldn’t have done the task if she didn’t remind us to do it- leading us back to the law of the re-education of cleaning the kitchen.I would even find this patt ern when I communicate to my mom, dad, younger, and older sister. When I communicate to my dad for example I am very sociable with him. We would have a positive exchange by showing or talking about our findings on music, movies, and other goofy things. But when I get busy with homework I have to tell him in haste, â€Å"Sorry, I have to get to work†. Only recently did I find out that my father felt it to be slightly negative and antisocial.This made me discover that we can only be slightly one way, or extremely different, turn into our opposite, and never find a true, absolute, and perfect balance in communication and other things in life in general. This statement seems even more apparent when I am around my family members 24/7. Nobody is perfect. We see what is opposite to ourselves and what enables our existence all the time. Kids at a young age imitate their parents- we are all a product of our environment. Then we look in the mirror to see what the environment has made o ut of us- beautiful, different, and unique individuals.To find the perfect balance is to erase ourselves from existence- we would not be seen in the mirror- only the background environment. I always thought the struggle was to become permanently perfect forever- make your plan and you will achieve your goals. It is actually to constantly rebuild yourself after failure throughout life- this is what my mom showed me-like a spiral. This helped me find internal peace. Why can’t the kitchen stay clean? We use kitchen. Kitchen gets dirty. We clean kitchen again. We use kitchen. Kitchen gets dirty. We clean kitchen again†¦

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Inside Job Essay

The collapse started back in the 1980’s with the deregulation of Savings and loans, this meant that the government no longer was overseeing the manner in which business was conducted. This in its self did not create the collapse, but as time when along more deregulation in the banking sector took place. Banks could now begin to loosen their lending guidelines, this trend lead to what was know as sub prime lending. Many banks such as Chase, Citi, Bank of America, Countrywide and many more started these companies to lend to the less then slandered banking customers. This way the banks could still make money, but not jeopardize their portfolio customers. Now banks could lend money to customers that had credit scores less then 700 and with resent bankruptcy and even foreclosures and their credit. The biggest reason for the sub prime was money. Now there really was no limit on what interest rate the banks could charge for their sub prime products. The banks could then bundle their sub prime loans and sell them to Wall Street and receive margins on the loans, for example if the prime rate on Wall Street was 4.5% and your interest rate on your loans might be 9.5% Wall Street might pay the bank 3% on all their loans. Now this then is where the collapse is starting, Banks now are offering more and more products to lesser credit worthy customers at high rates and mortgage brokers and bankers are pushing these products because the banks are now offering incentives for these products and why because the banks are making money on them not because they are the best for the consumer. The next chapter of the collapse is on Wall Street as shown in the movie AIG comes up with this great insurance idea of derivatives for the sub prime market. What these derivatives would do is protect the servicers and buyers of sub prime loans in case the loans will fail and who helped AIG come up with this idea, Their next door neighbor and biggest buyer of sub prime loans Lehman Brothers. As we see in the movie everything comes to a head in 2008, Lehman Brothers closes, AIG is bailed out by the government and all sub prime lenders close.  Yet no one is prosecuted and most all the upper management from the companies that contributed to the collapse are either still teaching business in upper scale colleges or hold positions on government cabinets. In conclusion this movie shows how money and the promise of unlimited amounts, can turn Wall Street and the banking sector to do whatever it takes ethically or unethically to achieve it. We see that companies such as AIG and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will lie and doctor their accounting, and even pay to receive AAA rates even days before they went bankrupt so investors wouldn’t know. Has Wall Street learned its lesson or do they even care?

Friday, September 27, 2019

Pediatric Radiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Pediatric Radiography - Essay Example This poses a challenge in pediatric radiographic investigations. Obtaining quality radiographs on pediatric patients can be a challenge. Minimizing radiation dose in pediatric imaging is a crucial issue that has been emphasized and reemphasized in recent years1. Diagnostic radiation overexposure can cause radiation skin reaction and acute radiation sickness. It can also lead to systemic reactions that may lead to disturbances of normal functional processes, such as, radiation pneumonitis. It is known to have carcinogenic effects and genetic effects2. However, it is also to be considered that the dose required to produce genetic or carcinogenic effects are virtually precluded by modern radiographic apparatus and special techniques used in imaging the patients of this age group. Although carcinogenic effects have not been demonstrated from the doses of radiation received with pediatric diagnostic radiography, children with chronic diseases who need repeated radiographic examinations, this is quite a possibility, although remote. However, there is a need to justify the safety requirements and deploy the technical measures to ensure safety in these patients. Currently, these are directed towards reduction of radiation exposure in such patients3 . ... These are justification of any particular radiographic examination by carefully considering the pros and cons of the test which involves adjustment of risk-benefit analysis. A proper training of the radiographers in handling the children can also reduce exposure considerably. Proper protection of the patient in the unexposed areas could also help. Specific Diseases Caused by Diagnostic Radiation Exposure Although the benefits of diagnostic ionizing radiation are immense and exceed the risks involved, cumulative exposure can cause increased cancers especially in the pediatric age group. By definition, ionizing radiation contains enough energy to displace electrons and break chemical bonds. X-rays are electromagnetic radiations and consist of photons that can traverse relatively large distances in tissue without interaction. They, however, can indirectly ionize cell molecular components through transfer of energy4. In 1989, Hoffman and colleagues reported a doubling in the incidence of breast cancers in a pilot study of 1030 women who had been repeatedly exposed to diagnostic radiations for evaluation of scoliosis in their childhood and adolescence5. Ronckers and others explored these results further in a US cohort study with a larger sample size, including cases of scoliosis diagnosed before age 20. The average number of examinations per patient was accounted to be 24.7 and the mean c umulated dose to the breast was 0.11 Gy, and mean age of diagnosis of scoliosis was 10.6 years. With a radiographic followup continuing over an average of 40.1 years, it was concluded that this magnitude of exposures has resulted in increased incidence of breast cancers in these groups6. This proves that there is an increased risk of incidence of breast cancers with

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Contemporary Art Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Contemporary Art Market - Essay Example The essay "The Contemporary Art Market" talks about the Market of Contemporary Art. The impact of diversification and extension of art market into an open international market has gradually permeated into the art market with major changes being felt in operation of the sales. Such changes include the use of major auction outfits such as Sotheby’s and Christie’s. Giving a quick scan of the proceeding of the 2010 market, some of the above revelations come into light, for instance the fact that some of art pieces by some of the above mentioned contemporary artists dominated the market. It is also an observed fact mixed reactions depict the market situation while 2010 is taken into comparison with 2008, just before the recent economic crisis. While earlier predictions indicated that the impact of the recent economic slump would take at least three years to full recovery, a different reaction would not be ruled out earlier than that. According to the author, the impact of ec onomic performance was severe to the art market and a considerable duration time would be projected to recover. However, 2010 indications are satisfactory that normalcy will rapidly return in 2011 if all factors are held constant. Brown illustrates one of the pricing patterns to be expected in 2011, with impact of 2008 crisis gradually being recovered. Some of the major sales recorded in 2010 at Christie’s include Jasper John’s Flag was sold at over 28 million US dollars. Rehs also reports that Liz went fro over 18 million US dollars.

Wireless microphone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wireless microphone - Essay Example In this scenario, Moores attached the wireless transmitter inside the clothes used by the character Abanazar, and it was an excellent experiment which worked exactly according to plan. However, Moores could not get a patent for his idea for the reason that he was not legally making use of the radio frequency 76 MHz. Hence, it was decided by the producers of the ice show that they would stop making use of this wireless device; and instead of this device they would employ singers and actors in order to perform using secret microphones for dubbing voices of the other ice skaters in order that they could be freed to focus on their skating (Boly Electronics., 2010). In addition, Moores mentioned his prototype of 1947 in the Science Museum in London in the 1972. Since the first usage of wireless microphone it is being used in different forms in different places. A model of wireless microphone introduced in 1958 was manufactured by Sony which was called Sony CR-4 in 1960 and this wireless microphone was being suggested for nightclub acts and theatre performances. As mentioned above, a large number of manufacturers and individuals claim that they are the actual inventors of wireless microphone. In this scenario, Beyerdynamic that is a German equipment manufacturer, claims that the first wireless microphone was transistophone which was invented by Hung C. Lin., However, it appeared in the public in 1962. In addition, in 1964 wireless microphone was used for the first in a film in order to record sound while filming a motion picture in the 1964 film My Fair Lady. First compander wireless microphone came with Wider dynamic range in 1976, which was pr oduced by Nady Systems. Additionally, The Rolling Stones and Todd Rundgren were the first famous musicians that made use of these systems during a live concert. In 1996, Nady, Sennheiser, CBS and Vega got a combined

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Property Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Property Analysis - Essay Example If we think about the investment part for the five floors building the amount of remuneration is very less since the interest being paid for the investment or capital is very high. The installment paid to the bank every month is almost 10,000$. Test2. Comparing the land utilized for the construction, some of the properties are very small not big enough produce good rental value and some of the properties are very big which cant generate greater rental compared to the market value. Commercial property: The super market where I shop is near to my residence and is on the main road in the center of the city. It is a seven floors commercial complex built on a 1500 sq.yard plot. The whole cellar is rented out for the super market, upper cellar is rented out for two different show rooms and the rest of the five floors are custom built as requested by the tenants before the construction of the complex. Since the physical location of the property is in the center of the city a lot of demand is obvious. 4. Commercially considering the complex is rented out for the maximum rent and also to the global clothes brand, telecom giants, chain of restaurants etc. The complex is also put to the best use since global brands employ more people and generating huge employment.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Emeregency Management (Basic Quantitative Methods) Essay

Emeregency Management (Basic Quantitative Methods) - Essay Example Since health effects are included in the scope of consequences, then it may be said that as per ASME specifications, severity of injuries would have been included as part of the assessment of risk as early as the asset characterization stage. Other ASME literature makes further reference to severity, this time in direct relationship to fatality or injury, an illustrates with a table of â€Å"severity ranking†. In this ranking scale, S5 (â€Å"Very High†) specifies â€Å"offsite fatalities and multiple onsite fatalities†; S4 (â€Å"High†) is the â€Å"severity rank for the possibility of onsite fatalities as well as offsite injuries†; S3 (â€Å"Medium†) is allocated to the absence of â€Å"fatalities or injuries anticipated offsite, but with the possible widespread onsite serious injuries.† S2 (â€Å"Low†) is designated for â€Å"onsite injuries that are not widespread but only in the vicinity of the incident†; and S1 (â€Å"Very Low†) is associated with â€Å"possible minor injury onsite; no fatalities or injuries anticipated offsite† (ASME, 2006:28). Such a ranking would lead one to reason, therefore, that indeed RAMCAP would allow for the cons ideration of severity of injuries anticipated in a possible incident. Smith (2006, April), presenting the case for the U.S. Department of Homeland Securities, is inclined to agree with the ASME. On the other hand, a more careful reading of the Cox (2008) article, as already mentioned, specifically stated RAMCAP does not consider severity of injuries (p.1750), although it does allow for the â€Å"severity of possible adverse consequences† (p.1755). Cox argues that there are serious limitations of â€Å"severity† in the RAMCAP model, which essentially requires the estimation of all factors in quantitative terms. First limitation is that there is â€Å"no objective certainty-equivalent for uncertain

Monday, September 23, 2019

Certificate training and assesment tafe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Certificate training and assesment tafe - Essay Example Questions RESULTS Assessor to complete shaded areas: S NYS Questions relevant to all TAE40110 design field units 1. In your own words explain what Vocational Education and Training (VET) is and describe its key features. Explain key principles of how competency-based training and assessment (CBT/A) works. 1. Answer: Vocational Education and Training (VET) is a higher educational training delivered by further institutions, which provides people with occupational or work related knowledge and skills that is however not a degree or higher level programs. The three (3) features of the training program is that it industry led, national and client focused. By industry led, it means the program is focused on employers and people who are already in industry work. For this reason, the whole program is defined by representatives in the industry. This means that the program may serve as an in-service training, career enhancement program or career option for people who will want to switch their careers. By national, it means the program is government accredited and so it is carried out throughout the entire Australia. It is not only accredited by government but also managed by the state or government. The program is client focused because it serves the immediate needs of clients as long their job demands are concerned. The program is conducted in a flexible manner that meets the working needs of clients. This means that it considers the working conditions of workers so that training programs are not fixed at times that will ne inconvenient to clients who may be working already. The key principles on which the CBT/A works is includes the fact that i. The program focuses on what a person can do not how they learn to do it: This means that the primary aim of the program is to see a client who completes the course with an ability to undertake a certain competency without necessarily judging the way by which the person acquired those competencies. This brings to the fore, the i ssues of flexibility in training acquisition. The format for training is so flexible that a client may choose whatever learning strategy that works will for him. As far as organisers are concerned, the end justifies the means and that end should be the acquisition of a competency level. ii. Criteria-reference assessment: This principle talks about the uniformity in the assessment procedure for the program. Competency-based assessment focuses on giving all participants assessment based on criteria outlined by the relevant competency standards. iii. Recognition assessment: This is to say that the program recognises prior learning experiences and current competency of candidates and assesses them based on these current competencies. The program therefore places premium on prospective candidates with previous experiences and encourages that. iv. Flexible and personalised delivery: The program focuses on the relevancy for the client. It aims at meeting the employability needs of the clie nts. The program is also delivered to meet the occupational needs of clients. The assessment process also reflects the needs of the clients. It is therefore not surprising that two different RTOs will undertake the same course for different client groups and the assessments for the two groups will be different. v. Immediate application: Accessibility to application is easy and they are based only on skills needed by

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Public key infrastructure Essay Example for Free

Public key infrastructure Essay Public key infrastructure is arrangements used to bind public keys with identities of respective user by means of certificate of authority. There should be unique user identity for each certificate of authority. Establishment of binding is through registration and issuance process which is carried out under human supervision or software at a certificate of authority depending on assurance level. Registration authority assures this binding where each user identity, their binding, the public key and validity conditions are made in a manner that it can not be forged in the public key certificates that are issued by the certificate of authority. Why Public Key Infrastructure Is Important Public key infrastructure enables users of unsecured public networks for example, internet to privately and securely exchange data and money by use of private and public cryptographic key pair obtained and shared through a trusted authority. It also provides for digital certificate that is used to identify an organization or individual and directory services used to store or revoke the certificates. (Warwick, 1998 pp50-55). Public key infrastructure enables computer users with no prior contact to use information in public key in their public key certificates to be able to encrypt messages to each other. It has a client software, smart cards, server software, assurances, legal contracts and operational procedures. Public key infrastructure enable parties in any dialogue establish message integrity and confidentiality without the need for exchanging any secret information in advance and do not need any prior contact. Public key infrastructure supports digital signatures that enhance security of transaction, services that are essential such as certificate revocation and validation, key backup and recovery. Updating key pairs simultaneously helps to minimize work load of administration for public key infrastructure. It also supports cross certification which creates truly federated identity through enabling integration among circles of trust. The other importance is that, it enables users to have large communication; partners and consumers transact and communicate in a dynamic way. It is reliable and cost effective where it does not involve use of huge amount of money. Public key infrastructure system is closely tied to enterprise directory scheme when public key of employees are stored together with his personal details for example, phone, e-mail, department and location. This saves time in retrieving the data that is needed because once the name of employee is known; all the necessary information concerning him or her is easily available in the same place. (Baum, 1998 pp 56-59). How It Relates To Information Technology (It) Security Communication security establishment operate and manage public key infrastructure bridge. It signs and manages common certification authorities that certify public key infrastructure. As information technology security, establishment of communication security helps in developing technical documentation and operational standards with respect to risk and vulnerability analysis, analysis of system and networks security and product evaluation in consultation with policy management departments and authority as they relate to public key infrastructure and applications that are related. Information technology security give advice and assist policy management departments and authority on standards of operation and technical documentation. When managers follow the advice given to them, their departments will be able to perform well and to the expectations of organization as a whole. They will assist the employee in performing their duties so that at the end they are able to do quality work that brings the desired results. (Steven, 1998 pp 23-26). Strategic security services are provided and technical advice to support implementation, design and operation of public key infrastructure and critical related elements of infrastructure. They develop and provide training which is specialized with respect to vulnerability of networks, conduct related research and development and appropriate mitigation strategies. Information technology maintains and advice architecture of overall system of public key infrastructure. It operates and manages merging technology test bed for supporting interoperability test between secure emerging technology applications and key public infrastructure. Business requires making partners, customers and suppliers more efficient, demands ways of securely opening up networks and applications. They look for different ways of carrying out business in order to enjoy the benefit of business communication and commerce provided by online channel opportunities which includes consumer web applications and business partner extranets. Authentication solutions have been costly and cumbersome in the past. There has been limited proliferation of these solutions. With VeriSign, customers are able to move to an easier and ubiquitous universal authentication solution relying on VeriSigns services of security to offer high breed security for internet and network resources. Managed public key infrastructure fast track is used for enterprises to secure small scale applications. Enterprises are able to control issuing of digital certificates to internal and external users while processing tasks of outsourcing data like generation of digital certificate, renewal, validation and revocation. (Steven, 1998 pp27-30). REFERENCES Warwick F. and Baum M. (1998): public key infrastructure interoperation: Science and Technology Spring, pp50-59. Steven S. (1998): Incorporation by reference and public key infrastructure: VeriSign, pp23-30.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Tescos strategy to attract customers

Tescos strategy to attract customers Introduction:- There are many rivals of Tesco early 1990s Tesco rivals gave very tough time to Tesco, so on that time Tesco needed a good and newly trading strategy. Tesco old trading strategy was very good. But on that time Tesco was not attracting the customers due to bad customer services. In 1997 Terry Leahy Joined Tesco as a Chief Executive. Terry Leahy thought that why Tesco is not attracting the customers as compare to its rivals like Sainsburys, Asda etc. So from that time Tesco started additional services to attract the customers. These services are given below. Online Shopping services Tesco internet Tesco Club Card Excluding the above mentioned services Tesco recently introduced new additional services to attract the customers. These services includes Tesco Banks offer the credit cards, mortgages, loans, Tesco Insurance, savings and travel. ( Tesco Corporate Strategy might be very valuable research and study as well as very broad. This strategy attracts the customer and gives very hard competition to its rivals especially Marks and Spencer, Sainsburys, ASDA, Morrison etc. Sometimes some Tesco rivals beat Tesco in some fields, therefore corporate strategy of Tesco continuously introduce additional customer services to attract the customers against its rivals. According to Jamier L. Scott Corporate strategy is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation (2002), In the retail business or any company the customers are very important, almost every company try to attract the customers. This could be in different ways like in order to sold items, damage item may be exchange or refund with in specific time period with the receipt which is given to the customers at the time of the selling items. Many companies do this process on the customer services desk as well as some companies do this process on the normal desk like Tesco. But now days customers are expecting more than such kind of services. In other words customers desire is up to date customer service or upgraded customer services. According to Berman B. Evans upgraded products and services create connections. Additional customer service is the extra elements that enhance a retail strategy mix (2010) Upgraded services are good service like store atmosphere, store location, pricing, promotional methods and offers. Many large organizations like ASDA, Tesco, Marks and Spencer and Sainsburys use its corporate strategy to up to date its products and service, which is very helpful to make a good relation with the customers. A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal. The word strategy has military connotation, because it derives from the Greek word for general (Oxford Dictionary 2nd Edition) Every company formulate strategies to enhance its business profit and customers as well as to innovate some products or services which can be attract to their customers. Aims and Objectives:- My Dissertation Topic is: How Tesco use its corporate strategy to attract the customers against its rivals? My area of study: Explanation of Tesco corporate strategy which is used to create up to date customer services. To understand the Tesco corporate strategy which is using to create additional customer services? Explanation of how Tesco corporate strategy attracts the customer by using ancillary customer services. To understand the Tesco offers, goods, services and innovation how these are attracting to the customers. Comparison of Tesco strategies with its rivals strategies that how to attract the customers. Conclusion. Organization Overview:- Tesco is the world largest 3rd retail organization which is based in UK. Tesco have more than 440,000 employees all over the world and almost 3700 stores in UK as well as 13 in other countries. In recent time Tesco opened its stores in the AMERICA, which is known as Fresh Easy as compare to its international rival Wall Mart as well as Tesco have many stores in Europe and Asia like Poland, Slovakia, Hungry, Turkey, Czech Republic, Republic of Ireland, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Malaysia. MR Jack Cohen was the founder of Tesco. He started his business in 1917 as a small stall. Tesco opened its first store in 1929 in Edgware. After that Tesco unbelievably has developed its business in UK and worldwide. Tesco introduced many innovations to attract the customers. Day by day Tesco is increasing its products and services to keep the customer loyal, this gives though time to its rivals. Tesco is first company which introduced self check outs to provide good customer services. Tesco is offering many services to its customer from like home delivery services and online ordering/shopping and give return to the customer in the shape of Tesco club card. Tesco use its corporate strategy in different ways to attract the customer. A Tesco 2009/2010 interim result is showing that sale boosted from 11.4% to 14% and profit increase 8.6% from its original profit Tesco dividend growth rate is 9% and Earnings per share growth is 9.1% which shows very strong position of Tesco in international and national market. Literature Review:- In an organization corporate strategy is the base of all strategies. Corporate strategy expose and determines the purposes, objectives, goals and also produce, polices, plans and principal for achieving goals. It does also contribute to make the employees, stakeholder, communities and customers; usually corporate strategy applies to the entire organization. (Nicolai J. Foss) Corporate strategy is very useful to achieve the goals in a challenging environment to meet the stakeholder and market expectation, whereas corporate strategy involves making business level strategies like marketing strategies those strategies are very helpful to attract the customers. (Richard Whittington, Kevan Scholes) Marketing strategy is the most important strategy which organization makes from the corporate strategy to attract the customer. This strategy keeps the customer loyal and understands the behaviour of the customer, for an example a customer go to an electronic show room to buy some electronic things, and customer gets extra care and good service from the retailer then definitely the strategy of the retailer is to attract the customer. There is no doubt customer will come again and again and also to tell the other friends about that retailer. ( The research shows that many organization like Parcel force, Cadburys, Argos, Tesco, Sainsburys, Marks and Spencer giving high level of customer satisfaction to attract the customers. These organizations attract the customer by using their corporate strategy to do market research. ( The limits between corporate strategy and marketing strategy are unclear. The main purpose of corporate strategy is to attract and retain the customers. (Mintzberg, 1994) Marketing strategy management as well as corporate strategy are very important tool for an organization to attract the customers and keep the customer loyal against the competitors organization; both strategies take the organization into accounts externally and internally to provide extra care of the customers. (J. Rea, Harold Kerzner) Corporate strategy of any firm describes business according to the customer services. (Levitt, 1975) All over the world every size of organization use innovative corporate strategy to motivate the customers. (John Toschohl) The performance management externally and internally is very important to attract and retain the customers. Performance management sets the objective, responsibilities and goals for a manager. This gives permission to the organization team to do best for the satisfaction of the customer. Performance management takes very important key action like rewards, progress and training to improve the performance, such kinds of things are very essential to help, retain and attract the customer which is very beneficial for achieving the organization goals. The core purpose of performance management in an organization is to provide quality of customer service and satisfaction as well as manage the customer desire and give rewards. Its effectively attract the customers by managing the staff. The supervision of team and accountability may help to an organization to gain its objective and goals; with the help of this an organization may measure the entire performance, attainment can be rewarded and identified by using performance management. (Cook, S) Organization can maximize the attraction of customer and keep the customer loyal by using innovative customer services, (Danon) Corporate strategy for any organization plays very authentic role to attract and retain the customer without customer an organization cannot run the business in the market. Therefore companies innovate, provide good customer service and products guide and help the customer, provide different types of gifts and incentive these are the different strategies which company make to attract and keep the customer loyal. So that customers are the survival for any firm. (John A. Goodman) There are two focus of strategy which was integrated in to one focus. Many people are still debating that how two focus of strategy are different, differentiation strategy focus on different services and products which firm are offering to a small group of customers. Mostly this strategy adapts the small firms and new entrants. rather than large one. It provides products and services according to the small group of customer. (Philip A. Wickham) Marks and Spencer (MS) is a retailing company which is actually based in UK. MS conduct its business review to check its falling profit and trading environment. MS amended its corporate strategy to satisfy the customer as well as gain the competitive advantage. MS Corporate strategy:- To expand business internationally. To speed up for multi channel development. Changing the all operation execution as well as increasing the pace. MS again will refocus on brand communication MS is working and launched a new program to implement above strategies under the 2020 slogan. (Lan Dyson) MS has declared a plan to close its some unprofitable store for achieving its objective and goals. MS corporate strategy is describing that MS is expanding its business chain internationally to gain the customer satisfaction and keep the customer loyal. The move of MS in the international ramp is giving the tough time to its rivals in all kinds of product and service. MS is also looking formats for its food and non food products for expanding its business. (Ms-corporate-strategy/8601465.article) Sainsburys Corporate and Business Strategy:- Sainsburys is a well retail leading company in health and food. Sainsburys goals is attracting the customer by giving the quality of products at reason prices and their aim is to motivate the customer to eat good and reasonable healthy diet food by promoting the energetic lifestyle. Sainsburys does not compromise on quality, taste and services. The main objective of Sainsburys is to make the healthy and low fat food to keep the customer loyal. Sainsburys purpose includes providing best food for health which keeps their customer life style healthier. The main belief of Sainsburys while selling its products to their customer that customer have full and clear information about our products, quality and price. Sainsburys corporate and business strategy also includes that provide good customer services with its healthier food to retain and attract the customers. Tesco Corporate strategy:- Tesco is the third largest retail organization. The commitment of Tesco is to develop the shareholder values by via innovative customer focus strategy. To provide quality of products at lower price to customers. Customers are unique and we are leading to deliver the first class services to the customers. To keep the customer loyal we reward the customer by using club card. To provide the high range of products with the high quality. To expand business globally to compete the rivals. To provide the flexible and clean environment to customers. ( The main objective and elements of Tesco strategy is given below:- To become strong in food and non food. To get better in retailing services like Telecoms,, Tesco personal finance and To boost up the core UK business. We lay society/community at the spirit of what we do. Tesco wants to be a victorious international retailer. ( Chief executive of Tesco Terry Leahy said to Sunday Times that Tesco will be the largest online world grocery retailers as well as our aim to achieve the UK no.1 online business. (1999, Lorenz) Terry Leahy chief executive of Tesco stated that we are retaining and attracting customers by giving extra care, products and services to customers as compare to rivals, additional customer services and care is giving though time to Tesco rivals. Tesco is giving wide range of its products and services online according to the customer desire to attract the customers and keep the customer loyal. (Tescoplc2000) Research Methodology:- The research involves redefining and defining problems, creating hypothesis, collecting, suggesting, and organizing analysing the data reaching on conclusion, at the end list down the conclusion to decide whether creating hypothesis is fit. (Clifford Woddy) Research standardized the effort to get new knowledge. (Redman and Mary) Careful inquiry to find out some new facts and knowledge is called research. (Advance learner Dictionary of Current English) To determine and discover knowledge which is hidden at the heart of research. (Lee) The main purpose of the research is to determine and discover the answer of the question as well as try to find out the hidden truth which still have not been determine and discover. (Rajendar Kumar) The main purpose of while doing research is to find out relation between theory and practice. In particular whether the research is directed by the research (Inductive approach) or the research is directed by theory (deductive approach). Both approaches will provide very good understanding of my research. To the better understanding of topic the thesis will complete on the investigation of quantitative research as well as qualitative research. (Rowley) Data Collection Resource:- For my research we shall be gather secondary data form authentic articles, books, magazines, newspapers, news, and websites as well as published journals. The purpose of collection of secondary data is too explicit and very useful to use. The collection of secondary data may be very helpful and useful as this data is already collected. Definitely for my research we shall use primary data. This data we shall collect from interviews, surveys, managers and staff face to face meeting. Meetings and interviews will be conduct in the form of prearranged questionnaires. Conclusion:- The main objective of my research is to understand the logic behind the effectiveness of corporate strategy in an organization and how Tesco use this strategy to attract the customers as compare to its rivals like Marks and Spencer, ASDA, Morrisons and Sainsburys. The parameters which we considered are quality of products and services, innovations, time taken in processing the request, reputation and pricing.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Great Expectations Book Review

Great Expectations Book Review Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, first published in 1860, is a classic fictional novel. The novel doesnt really have a genre, possibly a drama or adventure, but its more like just his story so Id say just a normal fictional novel. The story is set in 1812 to 1840 in an English town surrounded by marshes, Pip lived outside the town, once receiving his fortune he moved to London though. The novel tells of Pip, a young orphan, and his story, his life. Pip was raised by his sister, only known as Mrs. Joe, and her husband Joe. In the beginning of the novel Pip is in a graveyard, where his parents are buried, and he is approached by a shady looking man, who is in fact an escaped convict, the convict asks Pip to bring him some tools so he can escape and Pip does this. This becomes very important in the novel. One day Pips uncle takes him to play at a rich, weird old ladys house, Miss Havisham, here Pip meets Estella, who he falls in love with, though Estella only toys with Pips feelings and doesnt like him at all. Pip then becomes Joes apprentice blacksmith, but Pip struggles as a blacksmith and isnt very happy. Then one day a lawyer called Jaggers appears and announces to Pip that he has been left a large fortune and needs to move to London immediately. Pip moves to London, meets many new people and has some fun. Then one night a convict breaks into Pips room, the same convict that Pip helped when he was just a little boy, and the convict, Magwitch reveals that he made a fortune in Australia and he gave Pip his mysterious fortune. Pip is shocked but decides that he will help Magwitch escape from London, and so they escape. Pip begins to like Magwitch as they get to know each other and Pip discovers many things about his past. As Pip is about to help Magwitch escape London Pip is nearly killed, Magwitch eventually does escape and kills somebody, he is sentenced to death and hence Pip loses his fortune. Pip then goes and works abroad as a merchant, many years later he returns home and meets his childhood love, Estella, they get together, with Pip believing they will be together forever. Two main characters of Great Expectations are Pip and Estella. Pip is the main character is the novel, he is also the narrator. In the beginning of the novel Pip is a young child but as the book goes on he ages and is an adult by the end. Pip is a good boy, he always tries to do what is right, and is quite sympathetic, e.g. helping Magwitch, always caring for Mr. Mrs. Joe. Pip is always looking to improve himself, whether it is learning to read and write as a boy, or learning to become a gentleman. He is of the lower classes, until he receives his fortune, and he desires to become an upper class, largely so he can impress the girl he admires, Estella. Estella is an important character in the novel. As a girl she had been raised by Miss Havisham to be cruel and heartless towards men. When she meets Pip she acts cruel and heartlessly, toying with his emotions. Though Pip still loves her, maybe he saw something inside her, or he just longed to be in the upper class. She then married an upper class man, who treated her badly, this would have changed her, gotten rid of her coldness and cruelty. So when Pip returns she is kind, and they get together. The themes in this novel include social class, aspiration, wealth and crime. I think that Charles Dickens in this novel was trying to say that social class doesnt matter, and that desire to become better and change should be congratulated. The novel is set in first person, with the narrator, Pip, also being the main character. The language used is pretty weird, with some old English sort of stuff in there. Once you get used to the language its pretty good and not that hard to follow. Overall, I thought this novel was pretty good, for an old book. The language used was a bit hard to get at times, and sometimes the story was a bit slow, but overall I thought it had a good story and I liked it. Estella was an interesting character I thought, normally the girls are loving and the guy isnt really interested or too busy doing other stuff, but this time Pip loved her and she was totally uninterested and cold. And the twist with Magwitch having supplied Pips fortune I thought was good as well. 7/10 on the scale of goodness.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Violent Video Games Increase Violent Behavior Essay -- Aggressive Beha

Violent video games have been known throughout the years to take a powerful effect on young children and their aggression and psychological behaviors as they habitually play these types of games. There are many factors leading the federal government to believe that the gaming industry and retailers are not taking a strong enough precaution to prevent this type problem from occurring. Studies show that laboratories and field settings have proven that violent video games cause increased aggressive behavior in children and young adults. Nothing is positive about the effects that violent video games have on children, but one positive factor has risen throughout the years. With all the tragedies and incidents involving the usage of violent video games by children, the United States Senate decided to take action. During a committee hearing, several researchers vouched for the negative effects violent video games were having on young children and young adults. Deadly school shootings like Columbine have been a serious problem in the United States for many years. Researchers and psychologist say that the young adults that partook in the Columbine shooting that killed 13 people and wounded 23 others before taking their own lives were habitual players of violent video games like Doom. Statistics show that many children between the ages of 8 and 18 years of age play video games or other types of media for 40 hours or more a week. (Rideout, Foehr, Roberts, and Brodie, 1999). Out of all the media used by children and young adults, television is the most widely used. Even with TV being the choice recreational activity, video games are rapidly creeping in popularity. Console video game systems like XBOX and Playstation along with com... ...gical Science Agenda (2003). "Violent Video Games, Myths, Facts, and Unanswered Questions". Anderson, A. Craig, & Bushman, J. Brad. Iowa State University (September 2001). General Article. "Effects of Violent Video Games on Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Effect, Psychological Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Scientific Literature", Vol. 12, No. 5. Schwarzenegger, Arnold, & Morazzini, P. Zachary. (December 2010). Supreme Court Debates. "Is the California Ban on the Sale of Violent Video Games to Minors Constitutional?", Vol. 13, Issue 9, p15-26, 12p.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Adolf Hitlers Leadership and the Government that Follows Essay

Leadership, and the Government that Follows Measuring a ruler’s success can easily be defined in the satire Animal Farm. The spoof is based on a totalitarian leadership. The four main characters in this book are the pigs on the farm. They go against Napoleon’s will and represent the white movement. The reason this story becomes prevalent in the essay is because it shows how few people can turn around a society. Orwell describes in animal farm just how he got his idea for the novel. â€Å"I saw a little boy, perhaps ten years old, driving a huge cart-horse along a narrow path, whipping it whenever it tried to turn. It struck me that if only such animals became aware of their strength we should have no power over them, and that men exploit animals in much the same way as the rich exploit the proletariat.† This is the exact idea that Adolf Hitler had. If the people knew just how much strength they had as a whole, it was enough to over throw the power of one man. In Animal Farm, the pigs didn’t feel as if they were being treated equally and were able to over throw one leader who just so happens to be Mr. Frederick, the tough owner of Pinchfield who portrays Germany, or in finer terms, Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was a dictator of the German Nazi movement. He was born April 20, 1889 in the small Austrian town of Braunau. After a prior act in elementary school, Adolf soon became rebellious and began failing in the Realschule, which is a college preparatory school. After going through this dispute he finally left school all together by 1905. He refused to give in to the normal training of a regular job, so he began his years of amateur painting and dreaming of becoming a famous artist. This is the part many do no know of Hitler. He was ver... ...d in a communism no one rules essentially and with no power there are different eqallines which causes unfair rules and ends in the failure of a country. The reason why America is as strong as we are is because we have the democracy needed to have everyone living in peace. There are its downfalls, every country experiences them, yet our strenth as a whole picks us up everytime. It is the strenth created, practiced, and performed by the people which makes America’s leadership the best one to live under. Every person wants the chance to live in America, and its because of the system established that makes it so desirable. Leaders such as Adolf Hitler were great dictators, yet lacked the knowledge to keep their country the strongest in the world. Our laws and legislations are not always fair or right, but they adhere well to everyone and has set guidelines for us all.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Banana Na Na Na

Banana Wars 1. Who is the winner and in the loser the banana wars? The winner/s: The clear winner in the banana wars are the Transnational Companies (Dole and Chiquita) because they can now sell there product with lower tariff and the same time their product price became more competitive in the market. Another winner in this banana wars are the politicians who are being supported financially by Dole, who has known for giving generous some of support to both the Republican and Democratic parties.And lastly, the CEOs because of their efforts to persuade US help them to complain for the unjust trade of banana in the EU. The loser/s: The loser in the banana wars local producers of bananas in EU. The cost of marketing their banana will increase because of the bananas that were imported and with lower price coming from the US. Another loser of the banana wars are the small business who can not cope in the banana market because of competition. 2. Is the US response silly? Yes, how come that the US will start a banana war simply because the transnational companies who operated in EU is losing in the market.Although it is their right to protest on the tariff and quotas uplifted EU to transnational companies, the EU is simply protecting its local banana industry and its producers. Since EU can produce banana keeping out or limiting imported banana can help them to maintain a healthy local banana industry. 3. What potential threats to WTO are illustrated by the banana wars? The threats to WTO are the country’s that would try to oppose its ruling like the United States. And the politicians who is saying that their country is not oblige to comply with WTO rules, and again one classic example is the US.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Religion and Ethnic Diversity Paper Essay

According to Grace Communion International, people of the black churches believed much like the European Americans. They shared the belief that God’s past dealings give light of future life. The black churches tend to see America as the land of captivity rather than the promise land. The black churches shared similar beliefs to other groups but they did not always see quite the same, black churches tend to hold church into the late afternoon and felt they should try to help all members of the church with all aspects of life, other groups did not hold church for many hours. The historically black churches took it upon themselves to care for blacks, not just spiritually but physically as well because they felt they were discriminated against. The churches made it their job to try to care for the people who had no one else to care for them. Many churches offered services to blacks and whites, even though they did this the blacks were still segregated from the whites. It was stand ard practice for things of this nature to be done before there were churches built specifically for them, some didn’t even allow their presence. The black churches received a lot of discrimination, hatred, and prejudice from the white community. Often times they were not treated equal to white people as they should have been. I feel that reading a little bit about the black churches has given me a lot more history on it but it has not really helped me to understand the religion more than I already did. I have visited a black church and while they do not believe very different they practice their religion very differently. Black of the African decent are otherwise known as African Americans differ from many other groups based on their hair, skin tones, physical appearance, and the way they talk. Black people even have beliefs about how children should be raised and cared for. They may have similar qualities of other groups but there are many more differences. African Americans have had many, many experiences with other groups and how they differ from them and what qualities they display. Blacks are often discriminated against by many groups for the choices they make and the beliefs they practice. Blacks as a group tend to keep to their own and mind their business. Blacks originally over from Africa bring many things to the American culture such as food, clothing styles, music and much more. The African decent in foods has altered spices and more, and clothing varies by pattern and style of clothing but both have made a rather large impact. For many years in history  blacks were made to be slaves and were bought, sold and bartered for in America and even other countries. They were enslaved for a very long time until the north and south finally went to war over the matter and they gained their American right to freedom. Blacks were also segregated from whites for many years. Blacks were very heavily discriminated against by many groups but especially whites. Whites made enslaving blacks very important in their lives, while whites were the main source of slave drivers, there were also very wealthy black people who chose to have black slaves. Blacks received discrimination from many directions. I feel that I already had a very fair amount of information on blacks and the discrimination and prejudice they have received in the past and continue to receive. Blacks are often not given enough credit for all that they have to put up with, but society in my opinion has lightened up tremendously. Prejudice and discrimination in historically black churches and blacks are very similar, they were made to remain segregated for many years, and they were also discriminated against by many especially the whites, both groups revolve around blacks which make the prejudice and discrimination very similar. The prejudice and discrimination that blacks and the historically black church differ in the fact that the churches were not enslaved. There are not that many differences due to the fact that the churches are for the blacks. There are far more similarities than differences in the groups. From my personal knowledge of these two groups I can conclude that blacks are mostly discriminated against by whites, especially further back in history. Other groups discriminate against blacks and the historically black church but whites much more commonly discriminate against them and are prejudice. The more time that passes the better the circumstances become between groups.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Our Affect on the Enviornment

Semester Draft Kankakee Island â€Å"Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy Interests skin your country of Its beauty, Its riches or Its romance. † – Theodore Roosevelt. In my own words I think Theodore Roosevelt implies that we need to be grateful for the natural wonders the earth has given us and the history it has behind it, to be considerate ND think about the future generations of the planet.If the ignorance of selfish people destroys your home, do not let them. It is too valuable. Our limitations have escaped us and we are now crossing the threshold of what our Earth can handle. By that I mean we are Impacting and absorbing more than what the Earth can handle: depletion of resources, environmental disasters, ecological instability, and climate change. We need to set ourselves boundaries in order to keep our planet prosperous. Ignorance and the lack of self control are what push our agenda to doomsday on this dutiful planet of ours that much sooner.I think some people Just don't realize the condition our planet is in and think to themselves, â€Å"How does this affect me? Why do I care? I have a house, a Job, I make my own money, and no one pays my bills? ‘ This inconsiderate attitude towards our society Is what will hinder the well being of our planet, country, state, city, down to the individual. This is our home and we need to start treating it how it deserves to be treated. We hurt the environment in more ways than you could possibly imagine. Misguided construction, irrigation and mining can face the natural landscape and disrupt important ecological processes.Aggressive fishing and hunting can deplete entire stocks of species. Human migration can introduce competitors to native food chains. Greed can lead to catastrophic accidents and laziness to environ mentally destructive practice. For example, It's dinnertime but, there's no food in the house, so you get in your car and drive to the grocery store. You walk down the aisles browsing for something to buy. You pick up chicken and a salad, and then return home to enjoy your meal. Consider the ways your simple trip to the racket affected the environment.Driving to and from the store contributed carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. The electricity required to light the store was powered by coal. The salad Ingredients were grown on a farm treated with pesticides. Getting the goods to the store required trucks, trains and more trucks, all of which emitted carbon. This is why I would love to have my own country, where people with the same ideologies can gather and discuss about any problems. Everyone will have a voice. My own country will be secluded. It will be an island not surrounded by any other countries. The island is small compared to other Islands.The weather is tropical like. There are beaches, rainforest's, hills, and volcanoes. The population Is about 10,000 houses have built in solar panels since it's almost always sunny there. Solar panels will be a big commodity in my country. According to Harry T. Roman from Business Source Elite, â€Å"a well designed solar system can last for more than 20 years. It doesn't create any source of pollution, its quiet, and the sun's energy is free of course. † Harnessing the energy of the sun would greatly impact our society and evidently make our lives and the environment better.Every house would have its own little power source instead of a coal powered plant for a whole city. My main focus is energy conservation and the consequences it would have on the environment. Another alternative energy I have in mind is building large underwater turbines that could harness the endless power of waves. Imagine that. It would be like the giant turbines you see in other cities that are wind powered but these are under water. I t could probably be connected to some sort of transformer and from there be transferred to businesses, restaurants, and other public places.We can also use thermal energy since there's a volcano on the island. The Union of Concerned Scientists references indicate that â€Å"below the Earth's crust, there is a layer of hot and molten rock called magma. Heat is continually produced there, mostly from the decay of naturally radioactive materials such as uranium and potassium. The most common current way of capturing the energy from geothermal sources is to tap into naturally occurring â€Å"hydrothermal convection† systems where cooler water seeps into Earth's crust, is heated up, and then rises to the surface.When heated water is forced to the reface, it is a relatively simple matter to capture that steam and use it to drive electric generators. Geothermal power plants drill their own holes into the rock to more effectively capture the steam. † The Union of Concerned Sci entists also states that, â€Å"many regions of the world are already tapping geothermal energy as an affordable and sustainable solution to reducing dependence on fossil fuels, global warming, and public health risks that result from their use.For example, more than 8,900 megawatts (MM) of large, utility-scale geothermal capacity in 24 countries now reduce enough electricity to meet the annual needs of nearly 12 million typical U. S. Households. † Geothermal energy is definitely the way to go. It can produce vast amounts of energy to the whole country in a non-polluting way. Another implement my city will have is composting. Stainlessness's. Com expresses that â€Å"compost is created by the decomposition of organic matter such as yard waste.Compost systems confine compost so that it can receive air and create suitable temperatures for proper decomposition into fertilizer. † It's sort of another way to recycle; putting sack our waste into the Earth in a harmless way t hat promotes the well being of our community. Stainlessness's. Com also implies that compost waste results in â€Å"saving landfill space, saving energy for transporting material, and the creation of a high quality fertilizer at the location where it can be used (thereby again saving energy). In addition, plastic garbage bags are also saved. Our island will not waste any resources if they absolutely cannot be used again. Our island's main economic income, being that it's a tropical island, grows lush vegetation and other crops. Coconut, banana, sugar, bamboo, rice, pineapple, cocoa beans, are the most important crops we grow. It's what we live off of. There is also a fishing company at the island which goes out and gathers only the fish the island needs. They do it once companies are well known in our island mainly for their mutual, social, and economic benefit.Trade is also practiced in some of the villages around the island as well. We also do not grow our crops with pesticides! On the island we are all aware of the devastation and corruption pesticides do. Everything is grown organically and nothing is tampered with. Raucousness's. Org states that â€Å"at the systems level, organic agriculture that builds soil and encourages biodiversity delivers more diverse/profound benefits and ecological services than farming which amounts to ‘agricultural sacrifice areas' divorced from their geological surroundings†, which would be superb for our environment.Mostly everyone travels on bikes or walks being that the country is small. Only some people own cars, and some of those cars are hybrids, which are imported. On our island some resources are abundant. Metals such as, steel, aluminum, copper, etc, are scarce. Importing these goods is vital for building our city structures and public facilities. Most of the houses are built with a combination of bamboo found on the island, clay, some wood, and steel. The AC is powered by our water from the ocean or fro m geothermal power. Land lines are needed also to use phone service.Internet service requires people to go to the highest elevation and is limited due to the higher cost. But steel is required to build some of these utilities so we must import at times. There are various social services and recreation activities to do around the island as well. Some of the social services include: hospitals, police station, a community center, market/ trade center, a community college, and some restaurants. Those are all located in the downtown area, which is small. There are many things to do for recreation on Kankakee Island. Surfing is a big hit on the island.There's also biking riding, going to the beach, fishing, and hiking. People also go on nature walks. They usually go to the rainforest's, meditate, smoke, and connect with nature. The people of Kankakee are very nature oriented and have a strong spiritual connection with nature itself. There are also events celebrating nature. People Join in dance, smoke herb, eat fruits and vegetables, and praise that their island is the way it is: sustainable and peaceful. Kankakee Island was founded by a husband and wife named George Kankakee and Donna Kankakee in the sass's.George and Donna used to live in the crowded city of Los Angles. George was an architect and Donna was an environmental scientists. They had the typical American life but hated the city they lived in. They didn't like the crowdedness and state the city was in (environmentally wise). So George and Donna decided to do something bold in their lives. They wanted to stand for something they and thousands of people believed in. They wanted their own country where it could be sustainable and all the people that lived in their country had the same ideas.So they sold their house, located an island in international waters with some help of peers, and started to look into making it their home and to the home of now 10,000 people come alive. The only way to get to the islan d is by ship or boat so they set course for the island and were at sea for quite some time. They first had to go to the island and spend some time there to see what it was like. They first observed what resources the island had and experimented with these resources to see which can be sustainable.Being that George was an architect and Donna an environmental community. They started doing research and came up with alternative energy systems that would do no harm to the environment and would still be classified as a livable place. After that, they started to gather up materials, team up with colleagues that would help them in exchange to live on the island, and started to build their own community. Word then got out of the island and people with similar backgrounds in science, math, and business asked if they can settle on the island.From there the community started growing and more sophisticated structures and alternative energies were being built. Kankakee Island was now a livable en vironment. To conclude, Kankakee Island will be one of the most diverse places in the world to live. It has many benefits to any individual that has the right state of mind for the environment. Lush fields of vegetables and plenty of fruit grown organically with no pesticides will make any one happy. Alternative resources harvest the purest forms of sustainable energy on Earth.Using solar, geothermal, and water, we can expand our ideas and create a better life for all of us and our planet. We can show off to the rest of the world what a magnificent Job we've done and can serve as an example to some of the countries in need of an environmental safeguard. Humanity and nature can coalesce into one and start working for each other instead of fighting against it. Not Just the island, but also the people itself; 10,000 conscious individuals doing their part in a systemic community. Kankakee Island is the perfect example of the most perfect place to live.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Analyse and present research information Essay

Computers R’ Us have the following organisational requirements: Security and confidentiality requirements Management and accountability channels Research strategies- use a combination of research via print and online Presenting Information – All information in Arial, font 12 Procedures for updating records – This is the task of the HR manager and the sales manager. The 3 new products to be launched are: 1. Lenovo Yoga – A convertible laptop-tablet 2. Bose SoundLink Mini Bluetooth Speaker – A Bluetooth ultraportable speaker for music on the go   3. Astro Pro 2- An external power bank or battery charger for laptops, smartphones, iPhone etc. PART A The objectives of each research topic are as follows: OBJECTIVES FOR THE THREE NEW PRODUCTS TO BE LAUNCHED: Due to changed industry trends, there is a need for new products to be launched. Failure of the past products In order to increase the profitability for the company. OBJECTIVES FOR CHOOSING A NEW COURIER COMPANY: Faster service More customer satisfaction Increasing complaints for the previous company OBJECTIVES FOR CHOOSING A NEW OFFICE RENTAL PLACE: To avoid unwanted expenses Parking availability To reach out to more customers Increased profitability. PART B RESEARCH REQUIREMENTS For new products launch: The current market scenario needs to be researched in detail. Current availing prices and strategies, and competitors activities need to be assessed. For courier company: Feedback needs to be taken from existing customers of the courier company. Market research to be conducted on the reliability of the company. Rental property: A good real estate to be consulted and detail research to be done on the pros and cons of each location. BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY For new products launch: Attending technology expos, Research on Internet, Technology Magazines, Consulting Tech Gurus. For courier company: Directories, Internet research, Google Places ratings. Rental property: Real estate websites, Real estate offices, Newspaper adverts. , Magazine listings. KEW WORDS AND PHRASES FOR ONLINE SEARCH For new products launch: Computers and accessories in demand, Hot new products, Must have computers, Computers to buy 2014, Accessories to buy 2014, Affordable computers+ accessories. For courier company: Best courier service, Courier in Melbourne, Melbourne courier service. PART C PRODUCTS TO BE LAUNCHED LENOVO YOGA: The Yoga is perhaps one of the most usable devices on the market. It has a great keyboard, track pad, and touchscreen, and can be used in multiple positions. Yoga combines the productivity of an Ultra-book with the touch experience of a tablet, taking full advantage of the Windows 8 functionality. The screen flips a full 360 degrees into four modes that make it easy to create, share, or consume content. Combine those with its long battery life, and the Yoga provides ultimate versatility. The Lenovo Yoga comes at a wholesale price of $550 and is sold at a current market price of  $699, which gives a profitability of $150 per piece sold. It is a definite hit with consumers due to its unique design and diverse usability. Bose SoundLink Mini Bluetooth Speaker: Enjoy your music on the go, everywhere you go. The SoundLink ® Mini Bluetooth speaker delivers full, natural sound from an ultra-compact speaker that fits in the palm of your hand. It connects wirelessly to your smartphone, tablet or other Bluetooth device, so you can listen to your music, videos or games anytime, anywhere. Just grab it and go. Features Advanced audio performance delivers full-range listening experience The most compact mobile speaker from Bose easily goes where you go Wirelessly connects to your Bluetooth device Rechargeable battery plays up to 7 hours USB port allows for software update to ensure ongoing Bluetooth device compatibility Soft covers are available separately in blue, green or orange The speaker comes with charging cradle and power cord and accessory covers are available separately The speakers come at a wholesale price of $150 and the current market price is $200. Though the profitability is not much but the speakers are highly in demand and sellable very fast. Astro Pro 2: Astro Pro2 is one of the newest laptop external batteries, which provide 1 full charge to laptops equals to 9 cycles on phones. New, yet been noted to be a dependable external charger. Dependable because it does not only give exact status, but also super powered with a built-in high capacity of 20000mAh. Product Features Slim and comfortable in a small pouch. Fashionable feature that fits any occasion and rugged for daily use. Lightweight. Its only two pounds when shipped. With a built in lithium polymer battery: Ensures longer laptop battery life up to 8 hours or more. This external battery is equipped with two outputs for greater function. Impressive LED lights to display battery status and percentage: Astro Pro2 LED lights are consistent, clear, and accurate all the time. They update not only the ‘in and out’ details, but they also provide the laptop battery life’s percentage. With this, the user won’t find  it hard when to stop and connect this battery to your starving laptop. Aluminium body in a stylish packaging. Great deal with various inclusions: 1 Anker Astro Pro2 20000mAh external battery, four phone connectors, 1 USB cable, 10 laptop connectors, 1 DC power cable, 1 AC 100-240V adapter, 1 pouch and user guide Dimensions: 4.9 x 7.3 x 0.6 inches; 1.2 pounds The wholesale price for Astro Pro 2 is $99 and its current market sale price is $135. Sales are very high for this product. COURIER COMPANY GOLDEN MESSENGERS – An established transport and delivery company, Golden Messenger provides express courier services in Melbourne and across Australia. Golden Messenger offers a Guaranteed Minimum Delivery Time (GMDT): their deliveries, whether as-needs or scheduled, are on time or it’s free. If you need same day delivery, they are the business courier service to call. Messenger can help you with your day-to-day business delivery and run-around needs in the Melbourne CBD and metropolitan area. They provide ad-hoc courier deliveries (Standard, Express and Priority), logistics solutions, banking (including pick-up and banking of cheques) and mail runs. They can utilise a light van, taxi truck, half-tonne or one-tonne van or tray to carry out permanent runs or contract transport. Golden Messenger also offers country and interstate parcel and mail courier services, whether your freight is a full or less-than-full truckload. They will manage all your intrastate and interstate transport needs, including carton delivery. Golden Messenger is a professional team of couriers with a focus on communication, operating 24 hours and 7 days to transport your deliveries on time. RENTAL OFFICE PROPERTIES Option 1 – 1ST FLOOR ROOMS/OFFICES FOR LEASE – NEPEAN HWY FRANKSTON. Located in an ideal location, this office has a reception area, spilt system heating and cooling, shared kitchen and bathroom facilities. Secured entry with intercom access. Total rooms – 2. Rent cost – $12000 p.a. or $1000 p.m. Option 2 – 4/79-83 Miles Grove, SEAFORD 3198 *Industrial 1 Zone *89 Sq. m (approx.) factory type location *Ideal for storage/online business *Kitchenette *Toilet and shower *Available now *$800.00 per calendar month, plus GST, plus outgoings (O/G’s Approx. $1,000 per annum) Option 3 – 22/94 High Street, BERWICK 3806 Modern office space. Dedicated air conditioner, suspended acoustic ceiling, sink/kitchen area, carpeted. Front building entry to Main Street, rear building entry to car park. Rent – $1650 p.m. PART D /22/94 HIGH STREET, BERWICK VIC 3806 For Lease /94 HIGH STREET, BERWICK VIC 3806 For Lease $1,650 p 94 HIGH STREET, BERWICK VIC 3806 For Lease $1,650 p 4/79-83 MILES GROVE, SEAFORD VIC 3198 For Lease $9,600 pa

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Business Environment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Business Environment - Assignment Example The company’s mission statement is to bring the best computing knowledge and experience to students, professionals, and consumers around the world, through being innovative in the way it builds its hardware, software, and internet ads. Apple Inc. is subjected to corporate taxes. Apple Inc. shareholders and officers are not liable for any corporate debts. Therefore, in case the business is facing economic times and want to dissolve and leave a specific market due to debts, the shareholders personal assets or finances cannot be used to pay the debts of the company (Lancaster & Reynolds 2002). Virgin Atlantic was formed in 1984 by Richard Branson. The airline is based at London’s Gatwick and Heathrow airports. Furthermore, it is also based in Manchester Airport. It is a limited business which has developed over the years to become the second largest carrier serving major cities across the world. Unlike in Apple Inc., the salaries of the employees are only subjected to self-employment taxes (Balmforth 2009). Employees of Apple Inc. have a major role in decision making of the company. In this company, employees have a major stake because they are liable for the success of the business. In addition, they are expected to ensure that all operations of the business are running smoothly. Due to the fact that they interact with the customers daily, employees are used by the business as an important source of information (Lüsted 2012). They are also expected to be innovative in order to maintain the competitiveness of the business in the market. The community has a major effect on the operations of the business. Unlike Virgin Atlantic which is only focused on the profits, Apple Inc. has a mandate of ensuring that it incorporates the interests of the communities associated with the business in its crucial decisions. In addition, such a company has an obligation to participate

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Use of Force Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Use of Force - Research Paper Example The paper shall also look at the limit to which the police can go and areas where the police has gone beyond its boundaries in order to do its duty. Use of force is described as the power which the agents of administration in the State apple to curb down the revolt from the people, as well as marinating law and order in the society for the effective functioning of the society. â€Å"Governments and law enforcement agencies shall adopt and implement rules and regulations on the use of force and firearms against persons by law enforcement officials. In developing such rules and regulations, Governments and law enforcement agencies shall keep the ethical issues associated with the use of force and firearms constantly under review.† (Crimes Act 1914 - SECT 3ZQA, CommonWealth Consolidated Acts ) The Government uses force as a means to prevent crime in the society. In the developed and the developing nations, the State allows the police, which is the body responsible for controlling law and order, to use force as a means for the prevention of crime or for the deterrence of the same. One of the examples of such move would be when the police is deployed to manage riots which have broken in out in a number of States throughout the world. The state uses the tools to manage the situation in the society. The use of force may also be used by the executive branch when it deploys the military for the safety of the society and the maintenance of law and order. The system is managed in a way that the State uses force only when it is required in extreme circumstances. Governments and law enforcement agencies should develop a range of means as broad as possible and equip law enforcement officials with various types of weapons and ammunition that would allow for a differentiated use of for ce and firearms. These should include the development of non-lethal incapacitating weapons for use in appropriate situations, with a view to increasingly restraining the application of means capable of causing death or injury to persons. For the same purpose, it should also be possible for law enforcement officials to be equipped with self-defensive equipment such as shields, helmets, bullet-proof vests and bullet-proof means of transportation, in order to decrease the need to use weapons of any kind. Force can be divided into two segments: 1. Verbal Force 2. Non-Verbal Force Verbal force is the force which is applied to the people where the Administration tries to settle and solve the matter through the use of the words. It tries to pacify the crowd with the intension of not hurting anyone in the gathering. Verbal use of force can be accompanied by tear gas shells as well as other means of retaliation by the police and the armed forces to avoid any kind of violence in public. The m ain idea with this regard is to make sure that no one gets hurt and the people are able to salvage their life without injuring their fellow beings in a mass protest or a riot. It should be applied in those cases where the police and the Para-military force feels that the tension has not gone out of hands and there is scope for the police to be able to control the crowd with the use of the word and not weapons. However, there is a very thin line of difference with respect to the force deployed by the plice and it should avoid in every circumstances to use non-verbal force. Non-Verbal Force: Non-verbal force is used in extreme circ

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Photography Career Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Photography Career - Essay Example This market is abroad and it will depend on a photographer on which sector to work. He or she should decide whether to take photos for magazines. This an amazing career because one is able to travel a lot and he or she is able to explore the world. He is also able to intermingle with people from different parts of the world. Also the financial rewards attached to photography is that they have highly paid careers as compared to others. It also has created opportunities associated with it. A photographer need to do a range of things, such as speculation, cards , books, stock photography and personal projects. This market in this modern world is so wide is no the same as it used to be. It is so vital for a photographer to have good business intelligence in order to succeed. One needs to keep a daily job schedule , look for a market for his or her work and also employ your career and marketing wants. Photographers should research on the market needs and demands, they will do this by verifying the actual needs of their targets. One should have broad categories to work on beyond travel photography where they may find new markets to suit their job. It depends on the type of individual for one to enjoy life as a travel photographer. He or she should make money out of it. They should be keen on observing and maintaining those special moments. Also in the current world it helps one to advance his skills on computers and technology. It also helps them to be able to balance enjoying work time and operating with people. An example of a noted international role model Chris Mclennan. He is from the south island of New Zealand though most of his time he spends on his travelling photographic jobs across the globe to serve his many clients. He has brought success of this industry image due to the expression of his skills. He is also a role model and mentor in this field. He is always willing to to share his expertise in

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Interview question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interview question - Essay Example Areas that have improvements over the national average will be highlighted along with weaknesses from observation as compared to the achievement scores. Development of goals begins with the production of a time management plan that consists of the required curriculum elements and how best to incorporate psychological principles of learning (such as social learning theory) into the classroom environment. Proper planning for social and cognitive learning must be developed into a goal-attainment plan. 2. Three month goals include an introduction of youth psychology into the learning plan that includes role modeling of teacher and high performing students so as to incorporate them into the classroom teaching structure. Previous primary research studies that found success in motivating youths in the concrete operational stage of development will be used as the foundation for teaching style in the first three months. The goal is to promote more group learning for the younger children to re duce egocentric behaviors common to this stage of development to improve the social environment and motivate retention. Students will be delivered a survey or questionnaire instrument with language developed appropriate for youths of these age brackets to identify key needs.

ABSENTEEISM WITHIN THE WORK PLACE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

ABSENTEEISM WITHIN THE WORK PLACE - Essay Example The paper tells that thÐ µ pÐ µriÐ ¾d mÐ µntiÐ ¾ns tÐ ¾ thÐ µ nÐ ¾nÐ °ttÐ µndÐ °ncÐ µ frÐ ¾m nÐ ¾nÐ °ttÐ µndÐ °ncÐ µ frÐ ¾m wÐ ¾rk. This is Ð ¾nÐ µ Ð ¾f thÐ µ fÐ ¾rÐ µmÐ ¾st difficultiÐ µs fÐ °cÐ µd by businÐ µssÐ µs rÐ ¾und thÐ µ wÐ ¾rld tÐ ¾dÐ °y. UnschÐ µdulÐ µd Ð °bsÐ µntÐ µÃ µism hÐ °rshly injurÐ µ thrÐ ¾ughÐ ¾ut thÐ µ Ð °ssÐ ¾ciÐ °tiÐ ¾n Ð °s Ð ° Ð ¾utcÐ ¾mÐ µ Ð ¾f dÐ µcrÐ µÃ °sÐ µ Ð ¾f prÐ ¾ductivity, highÐ µr chÐ °rgÐ µs Ð ¾f chÐ °rtÐ µring Ð °ddÐ µd Ð µmplÐ ¾yÐ µÃ µs Ð °nd rÐ µducÐ µd mÐ ¾rÐ °lÐ µ Ð °midst wÐ ¾rkÐ µrs. It is timÐ µ thÐ °t Ð µmplÐ ¾yÐ µrs Ð °ddrÐ µss this difficulty Ð ¾n Ð ° mÐ °in cÐ ¾ncÐ µrn bÐ °sis. It is chÐ °rÐ °ctÐ µrisÐ µd Ð °s Ð °ny mÐ °lfunctiÐ ¾n Ð ¾f thÐ µ wÐ ¾rkÐ µr tÐ ¾ rÐ µpÐ ¾rt fÐ ¾r Ð ¾r stÐ °y Ð °t wÐ ¾rk Ð °s Ð °rrÐ °ngÐ µd, dÐ µspitÐ µ Ð ¾f thÐ µ cÐ °usÐ µ. ЕmplÐ ¾yÐ µÃ µs mÐ °y bÐ µ missing fÐ ¾r divÐ µrsÐ µ cÐ °usÐ µs, Ð µncÐ ¾mpÐ °ssing sicknÐ µss, lÐ µthÐ °rgic mind-sÐ µt, fÐ °mily crisÐ µs, tÐ ¾Ã ¾ much fÐ ¾rcÐ µ Ð °nd tÐ µnsiÐ ¾n, mÐ ¾nÐ ¾tÐ ¾nÐ ¾us wÐ ¾rk, Ð ¾r gÐ µnÐ µrÐ °l dissÐ °tisfÐ °ctiÐ ¾n with thÐ µ wÐ ¾rk. SÐ °lÐ µs Ð µxpÐ µrt Ð µxtrÐ °cts fÐ ¾r Ð ¾thÐ µr cÐ °usÐ µs, Ð °s in thÐ µ wÐ ¾rkplÐ °cÐ µ principlÐ µ, lÐ ¾ng cÐ ¾mmutÐ µ, Ð ° strugglÐ µd cÐ ¾nnÐ µctiÐ ¾n with thÐ µ supÐ µrvisÐ ¾r Ð °nd thÐ µ nÐ µÃ µd Ð ¾f Ð °ffiliÐ °tiÐ ¾n Ð °s Ð ° cÐ °usÐ µ fÐ ¾r nÐ ¾nÐ °ttÐ µndÐ °ncÐ µ frÐ ¾m wÐ ¾rk. WhÐ °tÐ µvÐ µr thÐ µ cÐ °usÐ µ fÐ ¾r Ð °bsÐ µntÐ µÃ µism is nÐ ¾t Ð ° whÐ ¾lÐ µsÐ ¾mÐ µ pÐ µrfÐ ¾rm Ð °nd shÐ ¾uld tÐ °kÐ µ stÐ µps tÐ ¾ Ð ¾rgÐ °nisÐ µ thÐ µm cÐ ¾mpÐ µtÐ µntly. InnÐ ¾cÐ µnt Ð °bsÐ µntÐ µÃ µism mÐ µntiÐ ¾ns tÐ ¾ thÐ µ cÐ ¾rrÐ µspÐ ¾ndÐ µncÐ µ fÐ ¾r thÐ µ idÐ µnticÐ °l cÐ °usÐ µs thÐ °t Ð °rÐ µ Ð °ftÐ µr thÐ µ cÐ ¾mmÐ °nd Ð ¾f Ð µmplÐ ¾yÐ µÃ µs, Ð °s misfÐ ¾rtunÐ µs Ð ¾r illnÐ µssÐ µs. In such Ð °ttÐ µnuÐ °ting cÐ ¾mpÐ ¾nÐ µnts Ð µmplÐ ¾yÐ µÃ µs shÐ ¾uld nÐ ¾t bÐ µ prÐ ¾sÐ µcutÐ µd fÐ ¾r dÐ µnying tÐ ¾ prÐ ¾cÐ µÃ µd tÐ ¾ wÐ ¾rk. ThÐ ¾sÐ µ tÐ ¾ blÐ °mÐ µ Ð °bsÐ µntÐ µÃ µism, Ð ¾n thÐ µ Ð ¾thÐ µr hÐ °nd, whÐ µn Ð µmplÐ ¾yÐ µÃ µs missing Ð °t thÐ µ timÐ µ whÐ µn thÐ µy Ð °rÐ µ flÐ °wlÐ µssly Ð °dÐ µpt tÐ ¾ jÐ ¾in Ð ¾fficÐ µ. This kind Ð ¾f nÐ ¾-shÐ ¾ws Ð °rÐ µ hÐ °bituÐ °lly shÐ ¾ckÐ µd fÐ ¾r him cÐ °n bÐ µ Ð ° prÐ ¾blÐ µm fÐ ¾r thÐ µ Ð °ssÐ ¾ciÐ °tiÐ ¾n in thÐ µ lÐ ¾ng run